Spoiler-Free Review - Sausage Party

By Eduardo A. Viera

Have you ever seen a trailer that is hilarious, only to find out after watching the movie that the trailer provided the best scenes? I know, it seems to happen every time. One rare exception is the movie Sausage Party, an animated movie about food realizing what happens to them after they leave the store. 

I - Entertainment

I have never, in my life, said: “What the Fuck?!” so many times during a movie, much less an animated movie. I had seen the trailers and read the plot of this movie and it still didn’t prepare me for what I was about to see. I don’t mean this in a bad way, though. If you’ve enjoyed other Seth Rogen movies (specially This Is The End), this is definitely the same type of humour taken up another notch, as hard as that may be. The craziness of the movie goes hand in hand with the amounts of laughter - at one point, I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. But you must come to the movie with an open mind, and If you’re the type to get offended then this won’t be the movie for you either, as Sausage Party goes out of its way to offend every single ethnicity.

II - Themes 

Given the movie’s amount of curses and what-not, it’s not surprising it got an R Rating (I’d even argue it needs an NC-17). But Sausage Party proves to be adult-oriented in another way: by discussing sensitive topics a children’s animated movie could never discuss. The central topic it touches is religion and its consequences. It does so in a subtle way, but there was more than one time during the movie that left me thinking about what it all means — as corny as that might sound. It is undeniably a great achievement from Seth Rogen and co. to be able to combine mindless comedy with such divisive themes. They succeeded and I do hope Sony lets them keep churning out R-rated animated movies to see what they can come up with. 

To conclude, this is a great movie. I could’ve discussed the voice acting, the animation and more, but they don’t make or break the movie, and thus not many words are needed for it. This type of animated movie is a completely new beast, and I like how it’s started. To end this review I will recommend you one thing: if you haven't before, watch the trailer of Sausage Party. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but getting a feel of the movie before watching it makes the first 30 min. even funnier than what it would normally be. And although the trailers spoil a funny part of the movie, there are more than enough scenes to spare, so you won’t regret it. Overall a great movie, and the funniest one (by far) in theatres right now. 

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